Louise & Connie in the Zocalo - KC
Mysterious tree with flowers, no leaves - KC
Entrance to Cuernavaca Cathedral - KC
Mystery tree, outdoor chapel at Cuernavaca Cathedral - KC
John Spencer sculpture - cross in the Capilla Abierta, el Catedral - BB"
Cooking lesson - SG/BB
Borda Garden - KC
Borda Garden - KC
The photographer tells the story of the subjects of his photo - BB
Buying art - KC
"Louise, Barbara, and Karen - KC"
Mercado Central - BB
Dried prawns, Mercado Central - BB
Mercado Central - BB
Barbara, at cemetery near school - SG
Aztecs & fellow travelers in Zocalo - KC
Aztecs & fellow travelers in Zocalo - KC
Pozole restaurant - KC
Pozole close-up - KC
Vamos - SG/BB(?)
Vamos - SG/BB(?)
John Spencer's courtyard at the time of his wake - KC
Sculpture by John Spencer - KC
John Spencer's cat - KC

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