Saturday, Feb 7 2004 -- Quepos to San Jose

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Banco Central Museos tickets

Saturday morning we got up, and sure enough, the bike fairy had come in the night and exchanged my dodgy Pegaso for the (repaired) BMW. We headed out from Manuel Antonio, with the idea of heading by Poas Volcano on our way back to San Jose.

Traffic back over the mountains was heavier than it had been coming the other way, involving lots of passing of very slow vehicles around tight switchbacks. As we got near San Jose, Kate and I decided to skip the volcano and head directly back to town. G & J continued on to the volcano.

Kate and I got back to San Jose and found the Hotel Brittannia without much wandering about lost, parked the bikes on the patio as instructed, and after unpacking and relaxing a bit, decided to go visit a museum or two. We walked over to a large plaza that is over the Banco Central museum, and then entered the museum proper to see the exhibit of pre-Columbian gold. Cameras are prohibited inside, but it was an interesting exhibit of pre-Columbian artifacts, including the gold jewelry, breast plates, etc.

After, we walked over to a flea-market near the national museum, selling mostly touristy crafts, and then returned to the Hotel via the road around the National Museum and through the park with the war memorial.

Back at the Hotel, G & J had recently returned, after not seeing the volcano. It seems that as they got near it, the cloud cover had descended to where it completely blocked visibility on the ground, so driving became difficult. They had lunch and returned to San Jose.

For dinner, we took a cab to a Peruvian restaurant called Macchu Picchu.

We retired early.

morning break, ride from Quepos to San Jose
K & B bikes back at the Hotel Brittania
fish sculpture outside of the Museos Banco Central De Costa Rica
Bill with reclining woman sculpture outside of the Museos Banco Central De Costa Rica
front of National Museum
part of the National Museum complex
war memorial in a park near National Museum
interesting building
a tree; the bark falls off the tree and was once used as construction material
all of us at dinner at Macchu Picchu Restaurant
all of us at dinner at Macchu Picchu Restaurant, take II