MGNOC Mileage Contest Rules

The contest runs from November 1 to October 31, inclusive. Because the contest runs for an entire year, it doesn't matter where you live, or when your "riding season" is.

Entrants must be members of the MGNOC.

Entrants may enter mileage from as many as 10 bikes in the contest.

In November of each year (starting 2019) the mileage will be tallied, and the top three finishers (male and female, so six, total) will receive an award issued by the president of the MGNOC, Frank Wedge. Those top finishers will need to submit documentation of their mileage (see next paragraph).

The documentation of mileage shall consist of photos of the odometers of their motorcycle(s) at both start and end of the contest period. Also, each photo should include their MGNOC membership card. Again, this requirement is for top finishers only. Most of us can ignore this.

The mileage contest results will be published in the MGNOC newsletter, listing all entrants, sorted by state (or country) and by mileage.

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