Dead Horse Motorcycle Club member arriving
Nice blue Eldorado
Nuevo Falcone
Customized child's tricycle
Ron Bohm and his "bitsa" with distributor modification
view of some of the bikes in car park at Whiteface
view of roadway leading up to Whiteface Mountain
view from Whiteface summit - Lake Placid is to the right
the Keisers take in the view from Whiteface summit
Maroon Ambassador with single track trailer
"this is why you don't give a farmer a welder"
close-up view of front of home-made "Guzzi"
left side of home-made "Guzzi"
another view of Dead Horse MC Guzzi
another view of Dead Horse MC Guzzi in camp
Our bikes on the trailer for the ride home
The entire rig with Bill at the wheel of the van.
Our bikes on the trailer for the ride home
Part of the ride down Route 73 from Paul Smiths, NY taken from the van window